Documents Officiels

Certificate of registration

The Kbis extract represents the true updated "identity card" for a company registered in the Trade and Companies Register (RCS).
This document, which can be defined as the updated civil status of companies registered in the RCS, includes all of the information that the company is required to declare and record, if applicable, any remarks made by the registrar responsible for maintaining this register. Since the fundamental objective of the Trade and Companies Register (RCS) is to make the information contained in its register publicly available, anyone can request and obtain the Kbis extract for a company from the registry office concerned.  
The Kbis extract certifies the legal existence of the company and gives provides verified, authentic information. It is the only official document that proves the identity and address of the legal entity or natural person registered, its business, its management, administrative, financial or control bodies, as well as the existence or not of insolvency proceedings brought against it.
In most cases, to be enforceable, the Kbis extract requested must be less than 3 months old.

En savoir plus

Full file

To order a complete file which includes all the documents available on a company ...


Debt statement

Lien and pledge registrations: essential if you want to find out the debt level of a company and check its financial health (clients or suppliers).


Pledge without repossession

To search for entries of pledges without repossession over a company, please search on the national file.


History of modifications

View all the significant events that have occurred in a company.


Annual accounts

To order annual accounts filed by a company.


Official documents and statuses

To order the company instruments and the articles of association filed by a company.


Insolvency proceedings

To organise the settlement of debts for a company in insolvency.


Consult official documents, deeds and subscriptions

Do you have any questions or special needs? Please contact us by calling 0891 01 11 11